You are viewing the category: Bosworthian Sonnet
Birthing a Poem
Birthing a Poem I feel foreboding in each sense, (Not of some tragedy or ill, Rather of more significance!); A turmoil of creative will!. I […]
Why Should I Care?
Why Should I Care? Why should I care, (are cares so few?), If you withdraw your favours from my reach After so many years of turbulence?. Why should I care, (pained by […]
Engravings Queen Mary Tudor once declared her heart Would be found graved with CALAIS when she died Because, through unwise policies of State, She lost that Channel guard-post to the French. When my time comes to die, perhaps that same Part will be found […]
Autumn This dying-season’s palette lightly paints Its varied colours on the waving trees, Reminding us that Autumn’s breezes soon Will yield to Winter’s storming gales before Spring’s stirring freshets may again prelude The pleasures of warm Summer’s mellow days. Already […]
What Greater Miracle
What Greater Miracle The miracle of Spring will never cease To stimulate heart-felt imaginings!. From barren-seeming rock and soil the trees (By warmth of vernal days new-energised And strong attraction from their budding leaves’ And flowers’ needs), dredging vital ichor Up roots and fine […]
Quantum Theory
Quantum Theory (After reading Other Worlds by Paul Davies) My mind seems cosmologically large Because all things I see — or touch, or hear, Or merely sense — become absorbed by me. The world, its […]
Exile If break you must, then silent do the deed My painful heart; we cannot let her hear The dissolution of your muscled force!. Unheard within this exiled body, tear Yourself apart with noiseless wrack and bleed To death with no sound of remorse!. […]
Roots What though life’s troubles storm about my head; Though highest hopes are dashed down, time on time; That rare-wrought compositions are derided And richest of confections judged as chyme?. […]
Under the Ice
Under the Ice Reputedly, Antarctica is rich in oils And minerals of every kind, sufficient spoils To whet our appetites in raw material For industries. Already rise political Disputes over the […]
Magpie Fly, bold piebald bird, away from my home!. You sharp-eyed thief of gaudy curios And gossip of importunate discord, Who bring misfortune on your two-toned plumes And herald worse disasters yet to be; There is not space enough, here, […]