You are viewing the category: Neknus & Other Poems
After the Break
After the Break Since human life is progress preordained By God — who gave that life to each of us — Let us not, in the embers of our love, Allow self-pity to embitter us. You […]
To A.E.M
To A.E.M Had I the words, my darling, I would tell In whispered phrases sweet of my great love. Of how your presence<charms the very air Which close-enwraps us in its gentleness; Of how all things assume a pleasantness Unnoticed ’til you come, my dearest one. But since […]
Secret Flame
Secret Flame I want to say: “I love you, dear!” But, every time I start, I find I can’t express the warmth Deep-glowing in my heart. I cannot tell you how I thrill Whenever you are near, Nor demonstrate the tenderness For you I fondly bear. […]
Delectation (on The Charm of Poetry, a book by J.D. Bevington) This book is my delight, my joy!. I hope that when Old Age shall come And […]
Tempestuous Angel
Tempestuous Angel We met a few brief moments, you and I; We met, and those meetings there was born Our fated loves. The glad days soon sped by Till our commingled hearts were loathly torn Roughly asunder, leaving us to yearn Incessantly for sweets […]
Proverbs Unthoughtful words provoke more misery Than all the torments of life’s natural pains: So guard your tongues, that you may not inflict Unnecessary suffering on any soul. Vain creatures are we all, and our self-pride Unhinges […]
Old Age
Old Age Frail-boned, Thin-fleshed, slow-stepped; Forgetful, dull-eyed, cold: Kindness alone can cheer the heart Of one grown old.
Loving a Soldier
Loving a Soldier Loving a soldier is often not fun Since, much of the time, he must follow the gun. It often is loving with no-one to hold And feeling, in Summer, a Winter of cold. It’s sending […]
Maghera “A man was shot in Maghera today…”. Surely some noble creed had sanctified This deed of wrath, this devastating force?. The creed, alas!, was godless Anarchy. But fear it is prevents both Prelates’ words And Politicians’ acts. Immoral fear That to resist is worse fate than to yield. […]