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Sixth June 1944

                Sixth June 1944                         (D-Day)        I tell a child’s tale with the words An adult uses, to describe Impressions from the distant past, Responding to recalled events More recently experienced.       Four o’clock in […]

Paranoid Prism

       Paranoid Prism                                                             Everybody’s spying      On me, on them, on you!. Everybody’s spying       Because that’s what they do.   We […]


               Arboriculture                                                              Striped with a scourge’s stigmata, On the middle tree of three, Was nailed a naked man Crowned with a wreath […]

Verse Competitions

                  Verse Competitions                                                      Verse competitions are a frightful curse. They make you wrack your brains to find fit lines Drawn from experience whilst pressured by Limits of […]

The Word

     The Word .      Said the Bard; “It seems absurd,      But the Word Conquered the World      And the Sword”. All there concurred.      Was that accord With what they heard      Also absurd?.

Like You?

                 Like You?   For many years he sought her      To make his dreams come true; But, if he’d had a daughter,      She would have been like you; So all the love he brought her      Would be a father’s due, With blessings […]

The Wheel of Life

     The Wheel of Life          The wheel of life Revolves just once:      No second chance For anyone.      Enjoy the ride Whilst you can      Lest you regret…      Lest you regret…  

More Than A Score

                                More Than a Score                        (Cossonay CC –14/7/1996)                                       i.   […]

By Gum!

                          By Gum!   “I see”, said the blind man, (shutting his eye),           “That purple elephants can fly”. “I hear”, spoke the deaf man, (stopping his ears),           “That marmalade is bad for bears”. “I say”, signed the dumb man, (with folded arms),           “You can’t catch blue whales without tharms”. As these three […]

Sparks of Hope

               Sparks of Hope            (for Marcel and Susie)        From the flames and through the smoke Of your past experience, Dancing, shining sparks of hope Make their warm appearances.        Let the ruins of the past Not oppress your sentiments; Nor the present troubles blast Love’s wise sense of innocence.        […]

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