You are viewing the category: Fantasy
Iphigenia at Aulis
Iphigenia at Aulis (After Euripides) They stripped her stark, then threw her body bare Backwards upon the altar of their fear; But as the sacred knife was sharply drawn Across her throat, she changed — into a fawn!.
The Giant's Ransom
The Giant’s Ransom You promised you would pay, if I would free You from your bondage near Coolmela‘s wood Some twenty ago. So, with my magic Mantra, I made plea To elemental Noumena who could Release you from your woe. I am now bound in debt’s extremity, (With urgent […]
Night Queen
Night Queen ; How bland her features do appear, As if no force nor passion stir Behind or underneath her stare; And yet, her powers are immense!. She pulls great seas around the world, Causing huge tidal-waves to roar With tumult strength on every shore Where onto rugged rocks […]
The Monastic City
The Monastic City (Glendalough) [Foreword: This poem is an imaginative presentation of life and motivation in a mediæval monastery. It should not be considered as an expression of the author’s […]
Orion When glorious Orion strides the night — Red Betelgeus sat on his shoulder high, Bright Rigel at his knee, club raised to strike His quarry with its shining potency; His […]
A Spell
A Spell (For the release of a Giant) Amanatha!. Zaranthula!. I call upon the powers of the sky!. (Come thunder, lightning, storm-bred wind!). […]
The Giant
The Giant I saw a giant’s face today amongst the trees, Deep-shadowed, opposite my house. Only his huge, Brown head was visible, his trunk and limbs concealed Beneath a covering of soil and tangled roots. […]
Atalanta and Milanion
Atalanta and Milanion If you should really want to hit the mark, Striking your target where the bull’s-eye stares, Do not allow your aim to be disturbed By the intrusion of distractive thought Or sight; just concentrate on your intent!. […]
Reality and Dreams
Reality and Dreams In normal lives realities and dreams are mixed And, through their interactions, memories are fixed. Most happiness is transient and brief; Troubles both follow and precede relief […]
Northern Star
Northern Star How insignificant you seem, Pale Northern Star!. And yet the constellations pace Their patterned gait Around your chosen dwelling-place As though they deem You Monarch of […]