You are viewing the category: Faith/Religion
Uncertainty God!. Do not let me doubt so much!. Let me believe in something that Will not disintegrate on touch, Or fail me when I need it most!. Give me […]
Faith Had I but faith enough!. Then, I could move The legendary mountains at my will; Then, in my life, I surely would succeed And from achievements’ honours take my fill; Or, being humble in […]
The Ark on Ararat
The Ark on Ararat Vast over Turkey and Iran stands Ararat — Where once there sailed that famous Ark of History, Freighted with life and human inspiration’s hopes; The fossilised remains of which are said to […]
The Monastic City
The Monastic City (Glendalough) [Foreword: This poem is an imaginative presentation of life and motivation in a mediæval monastery. It should not be considered as an expression of the author’s […]