You are viewing the category: Art
Verse Competitions
Verse Competitions Verse competitions are a frightful curse. They make you wrack your brains to find fit lines Drawn from experience whilst pressured by Limits of […]
Keatsian Koan
Keatsian Koan “Beauts is Truth, Truth Beauty”, wrote John Keats, And in some special sense this may be so; But not all beauties can be troped as truths, Nor are truths always beautiful to know: […]
Global Reputation
Global Reputation (23rd April: Shakespeare’s birth and death date) Shakespeare — the verse and voice of English at its best; Clear, confident and strong enough to bear […]
Performances If it were these that really mattered most — The personal performance and the voice — If it were these that powered poetry, Then Shakespeare long would have been lost to us With all past poets […]
My Destiny
My Destiny I shall not always be The slave of circumstance. I have a promised destiny That guides me to the ranks Of those whose names prevail Across the years of fame. […]
Had I A Voice
Had I a Voice Had I a voice whose power could expand The boundaries of your imaginings; That could express the glories of this grand Existence; boast those beauties that […]
Cycles “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold, Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world…” […]
The Return
The Return Eastwards the storm-wracked prow, steered for hope’s harbour, home!. (Freeboard Near-swamped by freighted weight of rarities cramming the holds And decks, this cargo could buy family security […]
Visionary Dawn
Visionary Dawn Know that those Principles you mourn, (dark-robed, Facing that Blankness where they were interred — Battered and mangled by traumatic wars And social dissolution — those long years Ago), cannot be recovered from […]