Night Queen
How bland her features do appear,
As if no force nor passion stir
Behind or underneath her stare;
And yet, her powers are immense!.
She pulls great seas around the world,
Causing huge tidal-waves to roar
With tumult strength on every shore
Where onto rugged rocks they’re hurled.
She plays with clouds in idle sport
And scatters stars as though she’s caught
In boredom’s vague, abstracted thought.
Weird werewolf and vile vampire-bat,
Sinister owl and feral cat —
All creatures of the night — she rules.
She turns wise folk to wild-eyed fools,
Dragging the minds of lunatics
Through numberless unkindly fits.
Lovers feel full of strange delight —
Ex-lovers cold regret or spite —
When touched by her deceptive light.
She hypnotises poets’ minds;
Rare dreams inspires where she finds
Suggestibility of sense
Or curious experience.
Indifferent to human plight,
She is the moon, the Queen of Night.