Pure phœnix of true love, endungeoned in or hearts;
Locked in by jealous bolts; by iron hatreds barred;
Chained by mistrust close to the coals of envy’s fire
Replenished from our selfish greed and unconcerns:
Yet still you sing your hymns of undiminished joy!.
Time and again proud anger throws you on the pyre;
Time and again you are tormented as you burn
In passions’ anguished flames. Time and again, unscarred
By hurtfulness, you are revivified; your parts
Refined to greater purity, purged of alloy!.
True love, long-suffering and indestructible,
(Assaulted and abused by cruel weaknesses,
Yet not discouraged by constant inconstancies),
We are your prisoners, dear incorruptible!.