You are viewing the category: Fantasy

The Artist

          The Artist             Last night An artist came and drew Upon my window-pane; And fron his hoary skill           I knew Jack frost had come again.             Strange shapes Festoon the opaque glass With myriad forms diverse; Whilst all my pipes and drains           Surpass Description in mere words. […]


                Woman        God made Woman perfectly When her He did create; Not one thing did He neglect To please glad Man, her mate.        Hair seductive frames her head, (Prettier than jewelled crown), A fragrant veil of gossamer Softer than the finest down.   […]


                   Nocturne        Still the dark night – a penitential calm In expiation of the rude day’s din – And all seems peaceable within The silent house. As fragrant as a balm      A low breeze lulls the trees.        Over the soundless […]


Marie        Far off, upon the mountain-tops, I saw A mighty host, in martial lines arrayed, Descending to the luscious plains below. My breastplate I assumed, took up my sword, And hurried out to meet the threatening throng.      A short way off, I stopped and asked their Chief Why they had entered […]


                             Sleep        Come, gentle Sleep, and kiss my fevered brow. Empty my mind of its tempestuous thoughts. Then, in the comfort of your silent courts Of calm contentment where cool breezes blow, Cradle me closely in your loving arms. […]


Dreams?         (Adapted from The Warrant) Are we mere shadows of imagined dreams, (As unsubstantial as our thoughts),        Who fade with them Into the darkness which surrounds Each life with vague forgetfulness,        With thoughtless disregard, Apparent randomness, purposelessness, Frustrated hopes, ambitions unfulfilled        And insignificance?.   So many withered dreams, like Autumn leaves, […]


                                  Moon-Ship        As lovely as those stately craft which once would slide Across vast, then-uncharted seas, so you can glide Upon the star-flecked unprospected firmament.      This very night I watched you as you gently spent An age-long, […]

Katabatic Kuchina

                     Katabatic Kuchina      This raw wind roars and buffets me with rough And scornful blows from unseen vantage-points. Exposed, out on a Western hill, I have Nowhere to hide from these insulting knocks, But must endure until I can achieve Some place of shelter from […]

Winter Bridal

                                      Winter Bridal        This slim, hoar-frosted Beech, in lacy traceries so bright Now proudly stands a stiff-silked Bride upon her Wedding Day. Behind her pose the darkly-congregated Pines, arranged Like morning-suited Witnesses. In wayward ranks around […]

Naked Thoughts

      Naked Thoughts        Nakedly I go to bed      Every solitary night To experience sensations      (Which my drowsing, dream-shot head      Films for me in imaged light), Of that past day’s situations And their vivid evocations.        Barely are my limbs composed      In the comfort of their rest Unconfined […]

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