You are viewing the category: Bosworthian Sonnet
The Return
The Return Eastwards the storm-wracked prow, steered for hope’s harbour, home!. (Freeboard Near-swamped by freighted weight of rarities cramming the holds And decks, this cargo could buy family security […]
Faith Had I but faith enough!. Then, I could move The legendary mountains at my will; Then, in my life, I surely would succeed And from achievements’ honours take my fill; Or, being humble in […]
Visionary Dawn
Visionary Dawn Know that those Principles you mourn, (dark-robed, Facing that Blankness where they were interred — Battered and mangled by traumatic wars And social dissolution — those long years Ago), cannot be recovered from […]
The Terrible Beauty
The Terrible Beauty “A terrible beauty is born”. […]
The Ark on Ararat
The Ark on Ararat Vast over Turkey and Iran stands Ararat — Where once there sailed that famous Ark of History, Freighted with life and human inspiration’s hopes; The fossilised remains of which are said to […]
Orion When glorious Orion strides the night — Red Betelgeus sat on his shoulder high, Bright Rigel at his knee, club raised to strike His quarry with its shining potency; His […]
The Giant
The Giant I saw a giant’s face today amongst the trees, Deep-shadowed, opposite my house. Only his huge, Brown head was visible, his trunk and limbs concealed Beneath a covering of soil and tangled roots. […]
Her Response
Her Response Love is a caring, sharing sentiment!. I do not want your smooth-writ words set down To justify your lack of faith in me!. I want to feel the actions of […]